Baby plays on the floor while mom does pelvic floor therapy

Where do you provide home visits?

I provide home visits within 25 miles of Pelham, NH. Further than 25 miles, please inquire!

What does a home visit entail?

I will come to your house to provide therapy, bringing a portable treatment table and a bag full of necessary supplies and equipment.

Evaluations and treatment sessions performed at your home are both convenient and beneficial. You save time driving and having to find childcare. Additionally, I am able to see how you perform daily tasks in your own environment and how these tasks may be impacting your pelvic floor symptoms. This may include assessing your posture and body mechanics as you perform daily childcare tasks, housework and other important daily activities. I can provide recommendations on the spot that you can carry over into your everyday life.

How many visits will I need?

I recommend committing to 4-8 consistent therapy visits in order to make the most progress in a shorter amount of time.

That being said, therapy progression will still vary depending on each person, their individual needs, what we are working on their ultimate goals.

Your motivation to participate and ability to consistently practice lifestyle and behavior recommendations as well as exercises in between sessions is going to impact how well and how quickly you progress.

My goal is to provide you with as much education, training and resources during each session, without being overwhelming. This makes the course of therapy more effective and often shorter than would be typical at a standard outpatient therapy clinic.

What should I wear?

Wear clothes that you feel comfortable moving in! I often recommend comfortable, exercise wear so I can easily assess your posture and movement.

What is an internal assessment and do I need one?

Pelvic floor therapists are specially trained to perform internal pelvic floor muscle assessments. This assessment allows the therapist to better determine the overall functioning (coordination, strength, endurance and tone) of the pelvic floor muscles. When I know how your pelvic floor muscles are functioning, I can better determine the most appropriate course of treatment.

Internal assessments are only performed with confident, informed consent. I want you to be 100% sure that you are comfortable with having an internal assessment performed. You can decline the internal assessment completely or you can wait until you are ready.

Pelvic floor PT assesses a client on the treatment table
Internal pelvic floor therapy assessment